Tuesday, 24 December 2013

On the 12th Day of Christmas

On the 12th Day of Christmas Nathan's true love gave to him....
a $12 Amazon gift card - to be used to purchase books for his Kindle to read on our upcoming cruise!

I accidentally ordered the French version - oops!

And that concludes the 12 Days of Christmas - just in time for the real deal tomorrow!
I had a great time, the kids had a great time, and Nathan secretly enjoyed it too :)

Monday, 23 December 2013

On the 11th day of Christmas

On the 11th Day of Christmas I gave my true love 11 dark chocolate covered almonds.
Of course, he asked if it was the 77th day of Christmas.  Hardy har har.

Sunday, 22 December 2013

On the 10th Day of Christmas

On the 10th Day of Christmas Nathan's true love gave to him....
a $10 iTunes gift card.
This took a little more creativity in order to actually have something for him to open.  For some reason, iTunes doesn't sell $10 gift cards in stores, unless you get a 3 pack.  Well, I didn't want a 3 pack. So, I "re-used" one of Olivia's old gift cards so he had something to open, and then ordered the $10 gift card online for actual use.  Tada!

Saturday, 21 December 2013

On the 9th Day of Christmas.....

On the 9th Day of Christmas I gave my true love 9 chocolate kisses.
Due to my first born personality, there are precisely 3 red, 3 white, and 3 silver wrapped kisses in this package.

Friday, 20 December 2013

On the 8th Day of Christmas....

On the 8th Day of Christmas Nathan's true love gave to him.....
an $8 Tim Horton's gift card.  Starbucks and Tim's can duke it out.
After the truck scratching incident I think Tim's might have a slight edge.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

On the 7th Day of Christmas....

On the 7th Day of Christmas I gave my true love.....
a $7 Starbucks gift card.
Unfortunately, when he decided to use it, he received a 5' long scratch on the side of his truck due to an unnoticed garbage can that stuck out really far in the drive thru lane.  That was one costly $7 gift card!

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

On the 6th Day of Christmas

On the 6th Day of Christmas Nathan's true love gave to him......
a 6 pack of Diet Coke in glass bottles.
Ideally, I wanted Diet Pepsi - I found Coke, Pepsi, and Diet Coke, but not Diet Pepsi.  Oh well, I guess this will do. :)
The kids are loving this almost as much as we are!

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

On the 5th Day of Christmas.....

On the 5th day of Christmas Nathan's true love gave to him.......

5 mint chocolates!

When we were at Olive Garden recently we asked if they knew of a place where we could purchase their mints.  The waitress said they're made by Andes Chocolates and that the Bulk Barn sells them.  So, I headed to the Bulk Barn to get some for the 12 Days of Christmas.  But they didn't have them.  I even asked - they knew what I was talking about, but said they didn't get any this Christmas.  These were the closest I could find - hopefully they taste ok!

Monday, 16 December 2013

On the 4th Day of Christmas....

 On the 4th day of Christmas, I gave my true love....
4 lottery tickets.
Disclaimer: We don't do lottery tickets.  Aside from fundraising type lottery tickets and silent auctions, I don't even remember the last time we bought a lottery ticket.  But I thought it would be a fun gift for this 12 Days of Christmas.
Total winnings?  Zilch.
And that's why you don't spend your hard earned money on gambling kids.

Sunday, 15 December 2013

On the 3rd day of Christmas...

On the 3rd day of Christmas Nathan's true love gave to him.... 

3 Lindor chocolates - his favourite!

There's actually a little story to go along with this one. I thought this day would be the easiest of all days.  Lindor chocolates are Nathan's favourite and they come in these cute packs of 3, so this was the first one I thought of.  Easy!  So I thought.

I could not find them anywhere!

I was sure I had seen them at Walmart, but Friday I looked everywhere - the seasonal chocolate section, the check out aisles, the express checkout aisle (whilst proclaiming "I'm not cutting in line, I'm just looking for something!").  Nada.

So, when we drove home I checked the local grocery...nothing.  I checked the gas station....nope.  I phoned the local flower/balloon/gift store....no.  She suggested a different grocery/gas station in town so I tried there....nothing.

Yesterday was date night and, as is our custom, we went for dinner, then to the book store, and then to a movie.  While we were at the bookstore I snuck out and went to go look for these chocolates at Target.  Nothing.  So, finally I decided to just buy a bigger package and that I would take 3 out and package them as the gift.  Course, now I had another dilemma - I only had my small purse along, so how would I hide this purchase for the rest of our date?  So, I opened up the bag and crammed all the chocolate into my purse and tossed the packaging.  Walking back to the bookstore I passed a Shopper's Drug Mart.  Decided I may as well look.  Sure enough - there they were, and they were even on sale!  Argh!  

So, I bought them.

And the extra Lindor's are just bonus. :)

Fa la la la la, la la la laaaaaaaa.

Saturday, 14 December 2013

On the 2nd day of Christmas.....

On the 2nd day of Christmas, Nathan's true love gave to him.....


two Lindt Intense Mint Dark Chocolate bars (his favourite!)

Friday, 13 December 2013

On the 1st Day of Christmas....

Inspired by my sister doing this for her husband last year, and reminded by my friend Pamela doing it for her husband this year, I've decided to bless my husband with gifts throughout the twelve days of Christmas - or at least, the twelve days leading up to Christmas.  I know they technically start on Christmas Day, but I think it's more fun to give them out before Christmas - both as a fun anticipation of Christmas Day, and as a reminder during this busy season to prioritize the relationships closest to me.

The general idea is that I will give Nathan a gift every day for the next twelve days, and the gift will correspond somehow with the number of the day in the countdown.

Today's gift was one Starbucks Christmas tree ornament - Nathan was recently introduced to their frappuccino and it's his new favourite drink.  Emma hung it up next to one of the two Tim's ornaments already in our tree.

Nathan acted like the idea was a bit silly, but I can tell he really likes it.  I'm looking forward to the next twelve days!