Friday, 16 October 2015

Book Review: Pass it On by Jim Burns & Jeremy Lee

About the Book: Parents often experience a "freak out" moment when they realize their children's view of God will primarily come from what they learn at home.
Most parents spend more time helping their kids succeed at academics or athletics than infusing shared spiritual experiences into the rhythm of everyday family life.

While the idea of strategically passing down our faith can seem intimidating, the annual Rites of Passage Experiences contained in Pass It On make it easy for your family to celebrate milestones from kindergarten through high school graduation. Forever change the direction of your family's spiritual legacy . . . starting now!

Purchase a copy:

My Thoughts:  Something that often bothers me about many Christian parenting books is the fact that they are great (and long) on theory but short on practical ways to implement what they are teaching.  I often come away from those books thinking that I agree about what to do, but I have not the first idea of how to accomplish it.

This book gives you the practical in spades!

Each chapter of the book covers a different grade level and has a specific purpose of something spiritual you want to work on instilling into your child.  It gives several examples of ways to accomplish this and ideas of how to celebrate it in your child's life.  It is flexible - you can switch years if it's more appropriate for your particular child, you can combine some of skip some, and of course, you can always add your own!  Each chapter includes sample scripts and questions - you truly will feel like you're being guided step by step through the process, yet left with enough flexibility to make it unique and applicable to your family and child.  

This is a great book to have for every step along the parenting journey!

Thank you to Litfuse Publicity for organizing this tour and providing me with my complimentary review copy.