Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Movie Review - or rather, movie warning!!

Do not, under any circumstances, go see the movie I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry. You'd think the whole idea behind the movie would've clued me in. But the previews actually made it look pretty they were mocking the whole gay marriage thing. And the first half of the movie WAS like that, and it WAS funny. The second half, on the other hand, was complete gay propaganda. We went with my SIL and BIL - and all four of us were sorry we hadn't walk out.

I HAD read some Christian reviews on the movie. But, knowing that often Christian reviewers can be too conservative at times, I thought surely it couldn't be that bad. I was wrong. It was worse.

Crosswalk's reviewer very accurately states
Under the guise of comedy (and there are some funny lines) Universal Pictures and Director Dennis Dugan are now bringing audiences two hours and twenty minutes’ worth of gay party-line preaching.
Christianity Today gives the movie zero stars, and they don't rate the movie on it's morals, they rate it on it's entertainment value and how well done it was. From their site
Our star ratings are only assessments of the quality of filmmaking, acting, cinematography, screenwriting, etc. A high rating is neither an endorsement nor a gauge of the "moral acceptability" of the subject matter.
But they definitely comment on the moral acceptability factor in the body of their reviews - about this one they state
This so-called comedy doesn't bother trying to hide its ethical and political platforms under anything resembling humor. Thus, this isn't just a film that represents anti-biblical views on marriage and homosexuality; it aggressively forces these views upon us, and paints anyone who disagrees as an ignorant bigot. Devoid not only of truth but of any kind of craft, I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry is the kind of pure-and-simple propaganda that doesn't lead to any kind of compassion or understanding; it only leads to anger and divisiveness. Of course, the movie's star power—the ads bill it as Sandler's long-awaited return to blockbuster comedy—ensures that it will make big bucks at the office, but responsible Christians would do well to simply pronounce this the most despicable marriage to ever be seen on the big screen.
I couldn't have said it better myself. In this case - the Christian reviews were not too conservative - they were dead on.

Do yourself a favor, save yourself some money and don't waste your time on this movie.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree!! Les and I went to see that movie on our date night and I was VERY uncomfortable during the second half of it. I've been debting doing a post on it as well, but maybe now I'll just put a link on mine for people to check out your post.
