K is for Kids
I love my kids. I love being a SAHM. I love getting hugs for no reason. I love it when my kids say "Mom, you're the best mom I ever had!"
L is for Love
Love makes the world go round! Love is truly what binds us together. God is Love. And, other than living our lives for HIS glory, our primary purpose on this earth is to LOVE. Love our neighbour as ourselves. Love our enemies. Love the unloveables.
These 3 remain - faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
L is for Loss
Everyone has experienced loss. I've lost two babies (it's amazing how hard it is to even type that). I've lost my dad. I've lost 6 grandparents and 4 grandparents-in-law. And I know there are so many more losses yet to come. And, yet, as Christians, we have hope. This loss is not a permanent one. We will see our loved ones again, and they will be perfect. They/we will be free from all pain. We will rejoice with one another and worship our Lord together in perfect unity - free from all earthly distractions.
L is for Linsay
Linsay is my SIL. I love her sense of humour (pretty similar to Nathan's actually). We really enjoy getting together with her and Shaun.
M is for Moms
I've been blessed with 2 moms. My Mom and my MIL. All those MIL jokes - they so do not apply here. I couldn't have hand-picked a better MIL and I hope I am that type of MIL to my girls' husbands when that time comes (eventually and oh-so-soon at the same time!). Both my moms love me unconditionally and I know they pray for me every day. Not only can you not go wrong with prayer - but it's truly the best gift you can give. I know I (and all my immediate family) am lifted to the throne over and over. I am truly grateful for my Moms.
M is for Michelle & Malia
Michelle is my younger sister - younger by only 6 months! For some reason, we look nothing alike - I wonder why?! I remember all the good times we had sharing a room as kids - it was so fun that I picked that over getting my own room! Malia is currently my youngest niece. With her dark hair and complexion she looks a lot different than her sister Joelle. Her smile is adorable, she's such a cutie! And feisty too!
Fiesty is a good word to describe my little miss Malia. :)