Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Fetal Assessment

So, on Monday I went for another fetal assessment due to concerns about the baby's kidneys. And the tests all indicate that everything is now completely normal! Praise the Lord - what an answer to prayer! Thank you to everyone who has prayed for us.

And I even got pictures - check it out.

Our baby's face! Can you see it?
Looks just like our other babies did.
Can you tell gender from a face?

Here's a hand - and the other part is a foot but the baby's kicking so it's hard to see that one.


  1. YEAH! Praise God that everything is normal!
    You look great by the way!
    Angela Brandt

  2. Glad to hear the great news. What beautiful pictures...I think it's a GIRL...hee hee hee!!

  3. That's awesome news, Tammy! You must be so thankful and relieved! Very cute pix of your unborn child -- which I'm sure will be another girl!! Looks like a ponytail on top of her head in there!
