Wednesday, 26 November 2008

PushUp Update

My abs are so sore. Seriously.

Pushups affect your abs much more than I thought they did. On Day 1 of my workout I had a really hard time doing the situps after the pushups. Today, for Day 2 - my abs hurt so bad I literally could not do the situps at all. So, I will wait till my abs have recovered a bit, and then I will do 1/2 the situps and see how that goes.

My armpits hurt too of course. Ugh - this is gonna be hard!

Each workout is 5 sets of pushups. Day 1 you rest 60 seconds, Day 2 you rest 90 seconds, Day 3 you rest 180 seconds (or more if needed), then it starts over again at 60 seconds. Today I did 10, 12, 8, 8 and then the max you can do - which was 14!!!! Go me!


  1. Sounds like it will be effective though. Hey, what if you switched things around and did your sit-ups first and then the push-ups?

    It might not make much difference, since both excercises involve the abs, but it's worth a shot...

  2. Keep it up, Tammy! You hurt like crazy now, but it's something you'll never regret in the long run! And not many people can brag they can do 100 push-ups, so you'll have that, too!!

  3. Woo hoo! Can you do a few for me please? I am soooooo not motivated to work out but I really want to lose the flab on my belly!!
