Monday, 30 July 2012

July Photo Challenge Day 30 - Something you`re grateful for

Today`s assignment: Something you`re grateful for

It took me a LONG time to decide what to share for today`s challenge.  There`s sooo many things I`m grateful for.

My relationship with God
My Bible
My Bible Blog and what I`ve learned from it
My husband
My children
My parents and siblings
Nathan`s parents and siblings
Our health
Our new house
Everything in our new house - both old and new
Baret`s miraculous healing
Family coming to visit
Summer vacation

You get the idea.  The list could go on and on and on. 

So, I tried to think of something that was at least somewhat unique to me.

 Inspired by my cousin Tammi who was grateful for something she had because she lost it for awhile, I realized that one of the things I`m most grateful for is my eyesight.

Those of you who know me are thinking, YOUR eyesight?!  Your eyesight is terrible!

And it sure is.  Both eyes are worse than -9, which is really bad, in case you`re wondering.  You know how bedside alarm clocks have these huge glowing red numbers on them? Yeah, I can`t see those when I wake up.  Not even close.

But thankfully, because of modern optometry, they actually have glasses (crazy expensive as mine might be) and contact lenses that can correct my vision so that I can see just as well as "normal" people.  

Which means I can see all those things I`m thankful for.  

I can see the faces of my children, including their distinguishing features.
I can see my husband and the way he looks at me. 
I can see firsthand the results of all my husband`s hard work on our home.
I can see my son`s face light up over pretty much everything.
I can see that my middle daughter`s hair is turning curlier than it used to be.
I can see my oldest daughter turning into a woman right before my eyes.
I can see my youngest daughter`s mischievous twinkle in her eyes and her brilliant smile.
I can see the amazing things our Creator has made.

And even though it`s doesn`t come naturally, but rather through scientific advancement,
I can see.

And for that, I am very, very grateful.

Tomorrow`s assignment: Looking down

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