Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Book Review: At the Feet of Jesus by Joanna Weaver

You were made for more than serving God; you were made to know Him.

Intimacy with God-to know Him and be known by Him. It is what our hearts desperately need, but somehow life conspires to keep us busy and distracted.

For anyone who struggles when it comes to daily devotions, At the Feet of Jesus extends an irresistible invitation to set aside your duties and find the amazing peace and incredible joy that come from time alone with Him. Drawn from Joanna Weaver's beloved Bethany trilogy, each reading in this 365-day devotional includes a Bible reading passage and reflection question. All-new material and "Going Deeper" sidebars are also woven throughout.

Discover for yourself the riches that come from spending a portion of each day alone with God. At the feet of Jesus-where true life begins!

Includes a unique One-Year Bible Reading Guide.

My Thoughts:  I really appreciate the diversity and flexibility of this devotional.  Each day has a verse of scripture that the devotional focuses on and then there's a "digging deeper" section with additional scripture and some thoughts for reflection.  

I love that there is flexibility with how much time you may have to spend doing devotions.  On days you are rushed, you can read just the verse and devotional - it doesn't take long, but the devotions are right on target and you will find yourself renewed or challenged by Weaver's thoughts on the scripture for the day.  But, on days where you do have the time, you can dig a little deeper on the same subject.  I love that she has more than one scripture for the topic and her reflections make it easy to focus on that topic and to personalize it or make it relevant to your life.  

And finally, there's a unique plan for reading through the Bible in a Year - something any long time reader of this blog knows I am now very passionate about!

Both approaches to scripture are important - focusing on small sections of scripture to focus on meaning and personal application, as well as getting a broader view of scripture that can only come with reading the Bible in its entirety.  This devotional contains it all in one volume.

Thank you to Litfuse Publicity for organizing this tour and providing me with my complimentary review copy.

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