Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Book Review: Practicing the Presence of Jesus by Wally Armstrong

About the Book: Experience the Gift of His Friendship 

Do you want to experience Jesus as real? When we look at Jesus' life on earth, we see Him calling people to simply know Him. He made no demand on them to believe theological propositions. "Follow me" was the invitation which they accepted. They got to know and communicate with the real person. There is a big difference between believing something is true and experiencing it as real. This is the story of how Wally Armstrong learned to communicate with the real person of Jesus in his everyday life. Armstrong experiences Jesus up close and personal and introduces readers to the same experience. In a conversational manner, he explores what it is like to have a relationship with Jesus as if He is sitting right there next to us. He keeps an empty chair ready and imagines Jesus sitting beside him as they talk.

My Thoughts: Most believers would describe Christianity as a personal relationship with Jesus built on the justification we receive as a gift of grace through faith in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ when He died on the cross and rose again.  Most believers would claim a personal relationship with Jesus.  But how does that actually work out practically in our lives?  Do we really have a personal relationship with our Saviour?  Do we take the time to talk with Him as though He is a best friend that has come for coffee, or to play a round of golf with us?  Do we think He has time for us?  Do we think He cares about everything in our lives - from the mundane to the intensely personal?

If not, we sure should!  In this book, Wally Armstrong shares his experience and provides suggestions for how we can make that belief a reality in our lives.  He doesn't have a one size fits all approach, which is good, because worship and communication looks different for everyone.  But the key is to do it.  Practice the presence of Jesus.

Thank you to Litfuse Publicity for organizing this tour and providing me with my complimentary review copy.

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