Saturday, 10 November 2012

Insanity Update

Time for an Insanity update as promised in my original post.  Since finishing my Tyson Method classes, the last two weeks of which I supplemented with the Insanity workouts, I've followed the Insanity program precisely without missing any days.  This past week (Week 5) was a recovery week where we did the same workout all 6 days and it was not quite as intense as some of the previous ones.  In fact, yesterday I was able to do the entire workout without stopping or pausing at all (most of the video participants didn't even do that!).

This coming week we're taking the kids down South for 3 nights for some shopping and swimming.  Normally I don't exercise when we're on holidays.  But I've decided to take the Insanity DVD's with me.  Partly because I don't want to mess up the schedule, but mostly because I know if I do skip that many days, I'm going to die when I get back and go into Week 6 which looks crazy hard!  So, I think I'm going to have to do it.

You're technically supposed to do the Fit Test on Day 1 of Week 6, but I don't want to have to do 2 workouts in one day while we're on holidays, so I did it today instead - Day 6 of Week 5.  So, virtually the same difference.  Except that, after doing the Fit Test, the "recovery" workout was insanely difficult after all!

Here are the results of my 3 different Fit Tests.  The first number is from my original Fit Test on the first day with the program, the middle/2nd number is from the Fit Test I did on Week 3 Day 1 of the program and today's is the 3rd/last number - I improved on every single exercise again and am very pleased with the results.

Switch kicks: 82, 85, 94
Power jacks: 43, 50, 56
Power knees: 80, 88, 94
Power jumps: 22, 30, 32
Globe jumps: 8, 10, 11
Suicide jumps: 11, 14, 15
Push-up jacks: 16, 23, 25
Low plank oblique: 32, 40, 43

I have to say, I am nervous about the next week of workouts - they're all new ones that I haven't done yet and they all have "Max" in the title.  Yeah, enough said.

I'll keep ya posted.

1 comment:

  1. That's certainly impressive that you're working out on your holidays! I've NEVER done that - even when I was doing the Biggest Loser competition. :)
