Today's topic: Together
I think one of the biggest social problems in society today is that, no matter how many people are around, people feel alone. Social media has certainly not helped. We can "friends" and yet not actually talk to or visit anyone for who knows how long, and no wonder we feel lonely!
People need to be together. God created us for fellowship.
And that is never more true than in the family unit. We need to spend time together. Study after study has shown how important a family dinner time, or, if that's just not possible, other types of family time. The phrase "quality over quantity" is, quick frankly, hogwash. You can't plan or force quality time to happen just because it's convenient in your day planner. Spending time together, in as large amounts as possible, is the key to quality time. Quality time can only happen when you're together. And it's so often spontaneous, not planned. Especially when it comes to kids, particularly teenagers. You need to talk when they're ready to talk, and in order to do that, you have to be available. If you're not, they'll talk to someone else.
So, take the time to just be. To be together.
It will never be time misspent!
Visiting from FMF...I couldn't agree more! thanks for sharing!
Hi Tammy, visiting from FMF and agreeing! I cherish the time spent taxiing my 13 and 10 year old around as they talk so much. And as for my 18 month old and 4 year old, we are basically 'together' 24/7. It is tiring sometimes I admit, but I remind myself they will not always want to be with me like this!
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