Thursday, 5 February 2015

Book Review: The Case of the Jewel Covered Cat Statues by Cindy Vincent

About the book:
Buckley and Bogey, Cat Detectives, find their next big case with the Buckley and Bogey Cat Detective Agency to be their most complicated ever! It all starts when someone hides a mysterious package in their Mom's antique store --- in the middle of the night! Of course, the boys find it, and put it in a nice, safe place, until they can open it . . . and, find the rightful owner. But that's when a whole bunch of suspicious people show up in St. Gertrude, and every single one of them seems to be after that package! Holy Catnip! Plus, everything happens just when a priceless, jeweled statue collection goes on display at the St. Gertrude Museum. Missing from that collection are two jewel covered cat statues that disappeared almost a hundred and fifty years ago.

But soon Buckley and Bogey wonder how long those statues will stay missing. Because this is one case that really keeps them on their paws! From a trip to the Museum, and to an old church for the Blessing of the Animals; and from dinosaurs to diamonds, they end up dodging shady suspects the whole time. It sure helps to have their friends with them, especially when the bad guys make a beeline for boys. That's because it becomes very clear, very quick --- the priceless cat statues aren't the only cats those crooks are after! Holy Mackerel!

Olivia's Thoughts: I had my 9 year old daughter read and review this book for me.  These are her thoughts.....

The book begins when Buckley and Bogey are in their house while the humans in the family are sleeping, the mom's store is broken into in the night and Buckley and Bogey go with their mom to her store. A small package is left at the store and the mom and officer Phoebe don't notice it. Buckley and Bogey find it and hide it. The next day they go to the museum for ''take your cat to museum day''. The two cat detectives plan a distraction so they can look at the exhibit. while looking they find two little statues called ''the best friends'' statues''. in the exhibit they find two bad guys who used to be friends that are now enemies. the two little statues had been either missing or stolen. The next day they go to their mom's store and a pirate comes in claiming he left a package there. But the mom said they don't have any package. Later on the two cat detectives are going to their mom's store, and open the package and take it home. In the end they solve the mystery.

What I liked about the story is that Buckley is trying to be a good cat detective even if he makes mistakes, and that he has somebody to look up to.

What I didn't like very much about it is that near the end it's a little scary because of all the bad guys trying to kill the cats.

Some parts were a little boring and others were really suspenseful.

Overall it was a really good book and it would be very interesting to some other people.

Thank you to Litfuse Publicity for organizing this tour and providing me with my complimentary review copy.

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